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Reading Comprehension Tutors

reading comprehension tutor

It may be a world of screens and voice assistants reading can sometimes seem like a legacy skill. It's not. Not only do school grades, college acceptances and scholarships all very much depend on reading skills but confidence in reading is hugely important in a million aspects of every day life and true comprehension skills are part of analysis and judgment making that are relevant to almost every job later in life.

SAT Reading Comprehension

SAT reading tests require you to read a passage which means having the confidence in your reading and comprehension. Time is always an issue because the faster and more efficiently you can read the more time you have to answer the short three minute paragraphs and the longer 15 minute paragraphs. The SAT test is longer than the ACT since you have 65 minutes to answer 52 questions. That sounds like a lot but there is a definite technique to it with certain types of 'distracting' questions and certain tests of comprehension that come up every time. Put simply you can learn to get better at reading but you can also learn to get higher scores through familiarity with the test itself.

ACT Reading Comprehension

The ACT reading test consists of 45 questions to be answered in 30 minutes. That sounds like a lot but it's a multiple choice test which means there's little time spent writing your answers. However the subtlety of the questions means that you need confidence in your comprehension in order to be able to comfortably answer all the questions in the time provided.

Reading Difficulties

There are a number of reading difficulties but the commonest one you hear people talking about is dyslexia. Where once it was considered a shameful condition our understanding of dyslexia has come a long way and it is even said that most of us are dyslexic to a certain degree on a sliding scale that may just be very mild. Think about it; are there any words that you always have to think about twice before you spell right? Or that years and years after your own schooling some words always come up with the spell-checker questioning them?  We're used to all kinds of reading difficulties because that's where tutors really come into their own not only in taking the time to help readers through their personal hurdles but in instilling the self esteem and confidence that often takes a bashing when reading in group situations.

Language and Vocabulary

Some reading difficulties have nothing to do with traditional handicaps but simply because students were brought up in a different language or speak more than one language with a slight reduction in their vocabulary and speed of understanding in English. Perhaps they are the children of one or both parents who themselves are stronger in another language and want their kids to be better than they are and have opportunities they may not. We can help with that and our individual approach not only addresses specific Language one/Language two confusions but also boosts the confidence and self esteem necessary to progress in English.
